VXX and UVXY Put Rolldowns

Rolled VXX 02/12/2021 17.00 Puts to 02/19/2021 16.50 Puts for 0.02 Credit
Rolled VXX 02/12/2021 16.50 Puts to 02/19/2021 16.00 Puts for 0.10 Credit
Rolled VXX 02/12/2021 16.00 Puts to 02/19/2021 15.50 Puts for 0.12 Credit

Rolled UVXY 02/12/2021 10.00 Puts to 02/19/2021 9.50 Puts for 0.06 Credit.

The extra 0.50 lower on all the strike prices is more significant than the the cash inflow for 4 more trading days
But the cash is also nice.