SPX 0-dte trades 6/21/24

#SPX0dte As posted below, at last night’s close I sold to open $SPX Jun 21st 5395/5415-5530/5550 condors for 1.15, IV 14.91%, deltas -.07 +.06. This morning, IV is 21.92%, and a similar delta condor is going for the same or more. The night-before entry didn’t help me. It may be the 9:45 PMI data, but traders knew that was coming yesterday too. Overnight moves were minor.

#SPXah Last night at 9:07pm PT sold to Open $SPX 5445/5475-5480/5510 condors for 18.35. At the overnight low (about 1:40am PT) it got up to 19.43. Now as we are currently rising in premarket, it is 17.70. I will close this before PMI. High to low swing overnight was over 20 points, so I’m glad to see it only got a buck in the hole. However, the IV remains high this morning so decay has been minimal.