SPX 0-DTE #tastytrade As Jeff…

As Jeff always says, mind the IV. The following Tasty Video shows a study as how much the IVR value describes the potential move. The recent daily IVR for SPX have always been quite high. And I can testify, i had a hard time to make any money on the IBF, IC narrow or wide.

SPX 0-DTE #tastytrade another video…


another video I believe to be interesting

SPX 0-dte trades 2/27/24

#SPX0dte Sold to Open $SPX Feb 27th 5045/5075/5105 Iron Butterflys for 16.55, IV 16.57%

Small accounts: 5040/5070-5075/5105 condors for 14.65.

NOTE: I placed similar PAPER positions at the close last night (the IB was 5 points lower), and since we are little changed from yesterday’s close, the IB gained 1.50 on the IC about 1.75. My day could be over before the open had these been my real trades. I’m going to be testing night-before paper trades for future consideration.


Tasty Trade 0-dte videos

I have added a hashtag: #TastyTrade to the last three posts that include videos on the subject of 0-dte trades. You can see them by clicking on that hashtag or by entering it in the search box in the right-hand column. I’m also updating the “Hashtag Strategies” in the menu bar at the top of the page.

SPX 0 DTE #spx0dte This…

#spx0dte #TastyTrade

This is another interesting Tastytrade video, comparing IC vs IF winning rates and daily P/L :

Video on @matt311 SPX 0DTE Post

@matt0311 I think this is the video you were referencing. #TastyTrade #SPX0dte

Thanks for sharing it.