SPX 0-dte trades 6/14/24

#SPX0dte After a week of wild swings and all-time highs, I think today’s market has a chance of bouncing from this overnight dip. Going with a #riskreversal

Sold to open $SPX Jun 14th 5350/5330 put spreads, delta -.07
Bought to open Jun 14th 5450/5465 call spreads, delta +.10
Total DEBIT -.30

Not looking for an ITM expiration; just 2 to 4 dollars on the intraday high.

Later I will share a new overnight trade I’ve been testing. Of course, after 8 straight days of testing success, my first day trying it live was a loss (due to this morning’s pre-market pullback). Seems to befall me every time I first switch from test to live!
