
$SFIX 29.5 call
$TSLA 300/290 BECS

Have a great weekend

SPX 1-dte and final trades

#SPX1dte Sold $SPX April 1st 2790/2770 put spreads for .45. This is a roll-up from the puts closed this morning. I’m leaving the 2855/2875 call spread in place.

Expiring: March 29th 2770/2790-2845/2860 condors, sold this morning for 1.10.

#Earnings $CCL #IronButterfly from Monday a flop… exercising for loss of 1.25 on the sale for 2.25.


RH STO A BuPS 4/5/19 100/97 @.70


Channeling my inner @honkhonk81
$SYNA STO 4/12 39 puts at $1.00

Closed SPX Early

$SPX BTC 3/29 2800/2820 BUPS at .50 STO 3/19 at 4.80 Thank you @jeffcp66. The ride was bumpy.

#fallingknife STO RH Jan17’20 70…

STO RH Jan17’20 70 PUT $6.40

Expiration but mostly rolls, closing and managing.

EOG 90.5 cc for 4/12 cost basis 90.74. Depending on where it is trading will let assign at slight loss or roll.
EOG 89 cc 4/5 cost basis 92.63. Will roll this one.
ERX 23 cc for 4/5 cost basis 22.31. Will let assign or roll
TQQQ 54.5 cc for 3 weeks cost basis 56.39. Will roll
TQQQ 55 cc for today at 53.79 cost basis. Will assign today.
TQQQ 53.5 cc for 3 weeks cb 56.75. Will roll
FAS 57 cc for 4/5 cost basis 54.20. Will let assign.

XBI 4/5 86/86/86.5 closed today for 0.52 profit per contract. Could only make .69 above 86 so decent profit for 2 day trade. I had skewed this one to the downside but it moved up today.
EXPE 4/26 115/131/132 for 2.31 credit. Looking good now, hope to close for 50% or better profit in 2 weeks. Right now at 25%.
SMH 4/26 100.5/110/111 for 1.38 credit. Same as above.
SQ 4/5 75.5/75.5/74.03 for 1.75 credit. Same but will most likely roll it in pieces.
JPM STO today the 4/5 101/101/102 for 1.81 credit. Looks like it found a bottom.
TNA 4/5 60/61/61.5 rolled this morning from last week. Credit now 3.06.

GILD 65/65 for 2 weeks at 8.41 cost basis.
GILD 65/65 for 3 weeks 6.39 cb
XBI 80/80/91.5 cb 11.74. 2 more weeks on the short calls.

Percentage return wise, the #jadelizard trades seem to work the best and also easier to roll because of the initial higher credit. Live study ongoing and will keep you posted. I am also skewing them depending on which way I think it is moving and that seems to help the winning percentage. Using the #markettide to time entries.

Have a good weekend!

2 more weeks in the jaw wires then back to work for me 🙂 although I am enjoying the extra trading.

Econ Calendar for week of 4/1/19

#Jobs Report is Friday morning

Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 10.20.41 AM
Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 10.20.41 AM

Link to calendar: https://us.econoday.com/byweek.asp?day=1&month=4&year=2019&cust=us&lid=0

SYNA HOD @39.32

SYNA HOD @39.32

Your Lyft is on the way!

Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 9.00.30 AM

SPX 1-dte update

#SPX1dte Closed $SPX April 1st 2740/2720 put spreads for .10. Sold as part of condor yesterday… condor for 1.00, put side was .41 of that.

#doublecalendar, #doublecalendars

Rolled SYNA LABU Calls TNDM Puts

$SYNA BTC 3/29 37.50 calls and STO 4/5 39 calls for debit of .31 cents. Stock at 38.78 now and is moving faster than I expected.
$LABU BTC 3/29 57 calls and STO 4/5 58.5 calls for added credit of .66. Stock at 58.10

$TNDM BTC 3/29 68.50 put and STO 4/12 68.5 calls for added credit of 1.30

SQ cals

#LongLEAPs #SyntheticCoveredCalls Sold $SQ Apr 12th 78.5 calls for 1.05

SPX 6-hte

#SPX1dte Since I messed up and sold Monday’s expiration yesterday, I’m selling TODAY’s expiration now.

Sold $SPX March 29th 2770/2790-2845/2860 condors for 1.10. Expires tonight. (IV 12.71% SPX 2824)

IV is high enough that it isn’t too risky to get decent premium. From a delta standpoint I’m being more aggressive on the call side, but we haven’t seen any blistering rallies on Friday afternoons lately.